
Mind•ful•ness: a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. 


It’s come to my attention (thanks to Grant Hamlin) that this buzz word gets thrown around quite frequently; ironically, without a whole lot of mindfulness. After discussing it’s meaning we would jokeingly throw it into every situation. “Don’t disrupt me, I’m being mindful while I eat this icecream.”  This continued through out the course of the weekend as we were “mindful” about everything from eating treats to plunging in cold, clear lake water.


As we laughed each time we brought it up I couldn’t help but realize the importance of this trendy word. How often do we coast through life on auto pilot, failing to be fully in the moment? Something to think about for sure. Maybe it is an over-used buzz word….But maybe it is something we should add to our daily practice.